Monday, August 8, 2011

Max Turns 2

MY BABY IS 2!!! Crazy! We had a lil party for Max at Grammy's with friends and family. Max really wasn't too sure of what was going on and was a lil fussy with new teeth, but he had tons of fun. Mc was very excited for the party!

Fixin' stuff with Jeff

Max pretty much ignored everyone as they were arriving

Not sure why this wont rotate..

Max loves dogs. Especially Gunner, moms black lab. He has a toy Gunner that he carries around, along with a Dalmatian we named Spot. So we decided he would have a Gunner and Spot cake. The kids all fought over who got to eat the dogs. Mc claimed Gunner's butt. Nice.

Max and Cousin Sophia

Max and Baby Nolan

(poor Nolan I fear will forever be Baby Nolan)

Birthday Boy

He wanted me to present his presents to him rather than him unwrap

Poppa, Grandpa, and Mammy

I was SOOO excited

Nolan posin

We kitchen bowl quite often now

Cake time

He was very fascinated by the fire

And very confused on why we were insisting he blow it out

And confused on why we wouldn't give him cake already

Max go Spot's butt

Notice how the cake was cut haha

Mc checkin out "HIS" new dinosaur train from Melissa

(notice the gunner butt cake remains on the face)


Max really came out of his shell after all the guest went home, he had a nap at home, and we came back to revisit with Grammy and Poppa

Army man fights. Max is wearing the lid.

Max insisted that Gunner wear his hat

This is him telling Gunner to sit and wear the hat

Then he put on a rodeo show for us all

Until Bullseye was put down for a nap with Gunner

Baby Cheyenne even got to play after the crowd disappeared

OH how I love this boy!!!

We walk to Grammy's when we visit most often.

And yes, we have a double stroller, but Mc always insists we ride this way

Overall, I'd say the day was PERFECT!


We went to the Black Gold Days parade on early Saturday. The boys enjoyed, I assume, but it was quite pathetic. I think it lasted 10 minutes. We waited over 15 minutes for it to start. Oh well, it entertained them and at least they didn't get too much candy!

Max did love the sirens!

and demand smarties during the parade

Nolan was sooooo excited! haha!

Grammy has taught him well

My Lil Fish

Both boys LOVE LOVE LOVE to swim, well actually they love to do anything involving water, splash pads, sprinklers, slip-n-slides, kiddie pools, etc. Mc especially loves to go to Aidan's pool with the board to do tricks off of. Mc is fearless and everywhere. Max has his moments where he will go on his own, but prefers one of us nearby. Max loves to jump in, over and over and over. Which is good, except he doesn't like to use the stairs so Mommy lifts him out over and over and over. We have been to Big Splash a few times, but they still prefer the activity pool and just jump in from the side, over and over and over.

Fishy Max

Fishy Mc

Fishy boys

Swimmin with cousins

Trying to decide on his next trick

Kiddie Park Fun

Grammy and I took the boys to Bartlesville to the Kiddie Park earlier this summer. It doesn't even open until 7:30pm so it was a little risky seeing how my boys are usually in bed by 8:00pm, but we had heard good things and we needed to try it out. I am very glad that we did. All the rides are perfect for the 2-3year range and were only $.25 each ride! The boys loved it and were in perfect moods despite them being exhausted! We haven't made it back out there, but we will, if not this summer, for sure next.

USS BARTLESVILLE was the first ride. Max concentrated very hard to not crash...haha.

Mc was a little scared of this one at first but by the end of the night he was soooo proud of himself for riding without being afraid. Oh and Max is in there too, he just preferred to sit on the bottom of the ride instead of the seats. Whatever!

Truck Drivin

Honking at the truck in front of them

Mc looks HUGE in this itty bitty car, but he was pumped cause it was like Uncle Chris'

Mc claimed Max's was "Lightnin'"